Carefree Site Preparation and Delivery

All Carefree requires is a firm, level site to install your Carefree Building or Gazebo. If one doesn't exist, a base of crushed stone is recommended.

One of our fleet of flatbed trucks will deliver your custom storage building. An experienced delivery team will place it on the level area you designate. And then it's ready for a lifetime of use! Always check with your local building department for specific ordinances.
Fully Assembled or Site Built

Carefree Buildings and Gazebos are available fully assembled. If you don't have truck access, our knowledgeable carpenters can assemble your building or gazebo on your site. Ask your sales representative for details.
Multi-Car Garage Site Preparation
Our multi car Garages require a standard concrete foundation.
Foundation requirement sheets are available from any of our sales people.

Always check with your local building department for specific ordinances.